As seen in

"I've always thought these devices were total B.S. until this one got rid of my facial hair in 4 weeks"

For the Love of Smooth Skin
Stay Smooth for Every Occasion
IPL Just Got Better
Be Hair-Free and Carefree
Long-term hair removal with less time, $$, and pain

400,000+ happy customers
Hear From Them

“RoseSkinCo. you have changed my life with this item… this Lumi IPL hair removal set. Holy Grail! Cannot live without it now.”
Natalie J. | @natalietjackson

“It’s easier to do it in your own space, at home, in your own convenience and it's budget friendly. So it's all a win-win!”
Moorat L. | @GlitterGlossCreations

"My skin is absolutely baby frickin' smooth with this thing"
Kennedy C. | @kennediClose

"Great, love it, ingrown hairs gone, and smooth skin. No more shaving as often."
Lauren April | @lavrenapril
Proud sponsor of
The PCOS Awareness Association
We're proud to have helped many women get rid of their unwanted PCOS-related body hair with IPL permanent hair removal. During September, we honored PCOS Awareness Month by donating a portion of proceeds + Lumi Permanent Hair Removal devices to the PCOS Awareness Association.