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RoseSkinCo Celebrates Women's Equality Day

RoseSkinCo Celebrates Women's Equality Day RoseSkinCo Celebrates Women's Equality Day

August 26th marks Women's Equality Day, a celebration to commemorate the 19th Amendment to the US constitution in 1920, which gave most American women the right to vote. Over the last 100 years, many women have performed heroic acts and achievements, which continue to inspire us today. There has been much progress to celebrate, from dedicated activists who selflessly promote and continue to spread awareness on inequality to political and business leaders who are working to break through the glass ceiling. Last year, we even saw the first Black and Asian woman elected as Vice President of the United States.

Here at RoseSkinCo, we choose to celebrate women of all shapes and sizes, every color and creed – whether you're fighting on the frontline somewhere or actively pursuing your own passions and interests. If you're in the mood to do something special for today, here are a few ideas for you to help and contribute to Women's Equality Day 2021:

1. Donate to a charity that helps in the fight against gender inequality 

Throughout the year, many organizations and charities are doing incredible work to help combat gender inequality and discrimination and protect women around the world. However, when it comes to celebrating the journey towards gender equality, you don't have to become a full-time activist. While we love and admire the girls who dedicate their lives to the cause, you too can make a positive difference with a small donation. Every little helps, and you will find it can be gratifying to make a donation. You could start by researching local charities in your local area, such as women's shelters or crisis centers and other related women's charities. 

2. Dedicate time to volunteer at local women's organizations

One of the most extraordinary things a woman can have in life is a supportive female friend. So why not celebrate Women's Equality Day by planning to meet up with some of your closest friends and organize activities supporting the equality cause? Volunteer at a local shelter together, arrange a donation drive or plan a fund-raising event for a women's organization. Some areas may even offer mentorship programs to young gals needing career and personal guidance. Call ahead and if you or someone you know would be interested in taking part. Programs like there are always looking for women to help. If you and your friends are fellow beauty junkies, you might even want to collect your unused or unwanted beauty products and donate them to a local women's shelter - they will be much appreciated!

3. Update your reading list to include some feminist reads

They say that Knowledge is Power, and when it comes to women's rights and equality, there's something new to learn every day. There are thousands of great books available that have been written by women and for women. If you need a little inspiration, seeking out and reading some of these books would be a great way to start. Authors such as Melinda Gates, Maya Angelou, Gloria Steinman, Roxanna Gay or books about historical heroines such as Susan Anthony, Ida B Wells, Ruth Bader Ginsburg are a great place to start. 

4. Show your support to the women you admire

What better way to celebrate Women's Equality than to share your love and appreciation for the women who inspire you? As we mentioned before, we are always in awe of the work women have done today and in the past. Share your love by posting your favorite writer, activist, or any public figure who you think has greatly impacted the fight for gender equality. Mention why this person inspires you, and if they're part of an organization or movement, be sure to promote them on your socials! Spreading the word can really help bring awareness to their cause. You can even do it for the women in your personal life by sending them a message showing how much you appreciate them – whether it's a family member, your best friend or even a mentor that you admire. 

5. Have some needed me-time to celebrate you


Even the toughest women need a little downtime every now and then. Self-care is a powerful practice that can help and benefit everyone, from high-achievers to the most marginalized. Self-care can look different to everybody. Some people may use their time to meditate and practice deep breathing, while others may pour themselves a glass of wine and watch a marathon of their favorite reality TV shows. Self-care is all about looking after yourself and your mental health. So even if you have a busy schedule, dedicate some time on August 26th to give yourself the much-needed TLC you deserve. 

For many women, an act of self-care might be a day dedicated to their beauty routine. Try switching up your routine by treating yourself to a beauty innovation – like our Riya Ultrasonic Rose Quartz Roller. This face roller has been designed to give your face a relaxing massage while also boosting your skin's blood flow. 

As a brand dedicated to making beauty simple, our mission at RoseSkinCo is to help and enable you to bring out your best and most confident self. Our job is to ensure that your beauty routine is a little more straightforward, so you can spend more time on the things that matter most to you. We believe that feeling your best in your skin is vital, and we want all of our customers to feel at their most beautiful. 

From the team at RoseSkinCo – 

We wish you all a Happy Women's Equality Day and hope you continue to keep the fight going!